The process of making decisions in regard to technological change consumes many resources including staff time for research and evaluation, vendor interactions, and management review. Ultimately, the productivity of the organization can be greatly affected because of changes to systems, technical applications, data transformations, and user training. The cost components of changing the environment include both tangible and intangible components which should be considered in the decision process.

The goal is always to improve the efficiency of the operations affected, while being prudent about cost to implement and maintain going forward. Motivation for change is often driven by the desire to maintain sound and extendable technology, while considering sunk costs.

A pragmatic approach to considering changes in a computing environment is critical. The GeoComputing Group has a practical approach for supporting our customers in the decision making process. This approach includes the EDRI (Evaluate, Design, Recommend, and Implement) process coupled with real world experience in E&P operations.

GeoComputing Group delivers decision support with 3rd party objectivity, decision matrix documentation, and a well defined framework for implementation and future technological change.

Decision Support:

Requirements Definition

  • Information gathering (technical and user)
  • Aid with technical roadmap
  • Understand process implications
  • Definition of metrics (tangible and intangible)

Business Justification

  • Benefit to operations
  • Impact of change
  • Cost considerations

Cost Metric Determination

  • Technology procurement
  • Implementation
  • Transition costs
  • Ongoing Support

Technology Justification

  • Performance, dependability and extensibility
  • Pilot implementations and evaluations
  • Redeployment of existing technology